Gabul Room- Coogera Centre
Gabul Room has a maximum of 20 children a day. Gabul Room has two groups, one Monday Tuesday (and maybe Wednesday) and the other Thursday/Friday (and maybe Wednesday). Each early childhood program is led by a qualified early childhood teacher and two very experienced skilled educators. Gabul Room has calm natural environments. Children have agency to eat and rest when they choose. The Gabul Room team has been engaged in a Critical Action research project into Music in Early Childhood and how to provide best practice approaches to music education.

Miwing Room- Coogera Centre
Miwing Room has a strong philosophy of sustainability and strong connections with the community. There are 20 children attending a day and two groups across the week. Miwing Room has been engaged in Critical Action Research into how children use technology. Each early childhood program is led by a qualified early childhood teacher and two very experienced skilled educators.
Wajung Room- Cavanbah Centre
Wajung Room is known for its beautiful outdoor space. The early childhood teachers, experienced educators, and children have been engaged in a project about our local community. The children bake regularly and grow a variety of vegetables in the outdoor garden.

Binging Room- Cavanbah Centre
Our Binging Room has been investigating culture and looking at ways children can be included and valued. Children have been delving into Aboriginal History and learning about the importance of connecting to Country. The Binging Room has experienced qualified teachers and educators and work in partnership with families to create their unique program.
All Programs
The curriculum in all rooms is created in participation with families and children and is based on the unique needs, interests, and life events related to the specific children and families in that room. Our early childhood curriculum emerges from the individual community in each individual room and changes with the changing needs of each group.