Byron Bay Preschool operates under a community-based not-for-profit model of management. This means that we have a management committee (currently comprised of parents of enrolled preschool children) and any profits made by the preschool are fed back into the service. Our preschool is an incorporated association. This is the preschool’s business structure.
The management committee of the preschool is referred to as the “Approved Provider” under the Regulations.
The Approved Provider or the Management committee is responsible for the overall performance of the organisation.
- Determine the service’s mission and purpose
- Set the strategic directions of the organisation, that is, develop the service’s strategic plan
- Appoint and monitor the performance of the director/nominator supervisor
- Ensure staff are employed in accordance with industrial obligations
- Ensure compliance with legal obligations
- Ensure the on-going financial viability of the service
- Monitor and evaluate the service’s performance against the strategic plan (including the committee/board’s own performance)
- Enhance the profile of the service in the community and recruit and orient new committee/board members (Community Connections Solutions Australia fact sheet, Roles and responsibilities of the Committee/Board).
- The Management Committee operates under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act 2009, and the Model Constitution. Therefore, we have executive committee member roles of president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary as well as ordinary committee members. These positions are annually elected and filled at each Annual General Meeting (AGM) in March.
Management Committee
The management committee of the preschool is referred to as the “Approved Provider” under the Regulations.
The Approved Provider or the Management committee is responsible for the overall performance of the organisation.
- Determine the service’s mission and purpose
- Set the strategic directions of the organisation, that is, develop the service’s strategic plan
- Appoint and monitor the performance of the director/nominator supervisor
- Ensure staff are employed in accordance with industrial obligations
- Ensure compliance with legal obligations
- Ensure the on-going financial viability of the service
- Monitor and evaluate the service’s performance against the strategic plan (including the committee/board’s own performance)
- Enhance the profile of the service in the community and recruit and orient new committee/board members (Community Connections Solutions Australia fact sheet, Roles and responsibilities of the Committee/Board).
- The Management Committee operates under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act 2009, and the Model Constitution. Therefore, we have executive committee member roles of president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary as well as ordinary committee members. These positions are annually elected and filled at each Annual General Meeting (AGM) in March.
“Educators recognise the connections between children, families and communities and the importance of reciprocal relationships and partnerships for learning.” (Early Years Learning Framework)
Byron Bay Preschool acknowledges the role of parents as a child’s primary educator during the early years of life. Parents and families are invited and encouraged to be involved in their child’s preschool education. We invite you to be part of our preschool through sharing your skills, culture, talents, interests and ideas with us.
Our Educators and teachers at Byron Bay Preschool work to build strong relationships with families. We believe that parents and families are the most important people in a child’s life and communication is a vital ingredient to the success of this partnership. Participation is appreciated, and many long lasting relationships between families, children and the wider community often begin from preschool connections.
We invite you to develop a sense of belonging; get to know us and the way the program develops and enjoy getting to know your child’s friends and teachers.