At present, all children recieve 600 hours free preschool in NSW (two days a week). This can be claimed at one centre only. To claim this at Byron Bay Preschool you can fill in a form to ‘opt-in.’ Even if you ‘opt-in’ we still charge fees if your child picks up a third day of attendance. If you choose to claim your free preschool hours at another centre, you will need to pay fees for every day of attendance at Byron Bay Preschool. We have discounted rates for four-year-olds, families who identify as Aboriginal/TSI, and families with a health care card. Please see our fee schedule.

- Occasionally, parents may be asked to pay a minimal fee for bus fares or entrance fees, etc. on certain excursions or for special events.
- Two weeks notice is required when a child will no longer require a position at Byron Bay Preschool. Payment of two weeks worth of fees is applicable if two weeks notice is not provided.
- Fees are payable if a child is absent through sickness (the committee will consider special circumstances).
- Public holidays do not attract fees.
- When twins are enrolled, a 25% discount available for the first two days a week of care.
Parents and carers will receive an account for their child’s fees at the beginning of each term. These fees should be paid by the due date (two weeks prior to the end of term). If this is not possible, weekly or fortnightly installments are acceptable. All accounts should be paid in full no later than the second last week of term.
Payments can be made online, by credit card or by cash.
To pay in person, please fill out the details on the envelope provided by the preschool, and place in the Fees Box at each centre. If more than $100 cash is placed in the Fees Box, notification must be made to the administrator or nominated supervisor.